We sought out to elevate consumer awareness of the Tassal brand and the health benefits of eating salmon proteins regularly, whilst motivating consumers to purchase Tassal salmon more frequently as part of their family meal solutions. Additionally, we had to leverage Tassal’s annual partnership with the Big Bash League’s Hobart Hurricanes cricket team.
The Challenge

The Solution
We rebranded to ‘Tassal Super Salmon’, creating an active and informative dialogue with families through three tactical initiatives:
Tassal Super Salmon Ambassador
We partnered with leading Aussie Nutritionist Susie Burrell to champion the ‘Super Salmon’ platform and reveal the official formula for creating the perfect healthy lifestyle with super salmon at the heart. Susie developed fun, factual tips and tricks, as well as recipes, to show consumers how salmon can form part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Tassal Super Sundays
Along with the Hobart Hurricanes, we took Susie on tour and hosted fun and insightful events in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide for families, media and influencers. The events combined salmon education, cooking tips and demonstrations with the chance to apply ‘Super Salmon’ powers and get active playing gamed with some of Australia’s leading cricketing stars.
Tassal’s Superpower Meal Generator App
Taking this further, we created a one-stop shop where Aussie families can navigate through the meal planning minefield and be inspired by salmon recipes via a dedicated web, mobile-optimised application. Rather than searching by cuisine, we created a different type of platform which enables you to ‘search by superpower’. Kids can take advantage of the app with the aim to inspire them to get on board with healthy decision-making due to their desire to want superpowers.
The Results
Public Relations
Content Creation
Media Relations
Influencer Relations
Event Management