The Challenge

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) relentlessly strives to reach Zero Deaths from breast cancer in Australia – hoping to achieve this by 2030.

With $184M invested in research since 1994, NBCF has helped raised Australia’s five-year survival rate from 76% to 91%, but the job isn’t yet finished. 3,000+ Australian women still lose their life to breast cancer each year – making up part of the nine percent who don’t survive beyond five years from diagnosis.

When COVID hit in early 2020, NBCF fundraising suffered. NBCF’s regular fundraising streams were impacted, and lock down laws meant major in-person fundraising events were cancelled and NBCF pivoted to virtual fundraising.

As a 100% community-funded organization, NBCF had to show Australians that breast cancer research and outcomes could not continue without their attention and continued giving even through this difficult period.

The Solution

We invited all Australians to make an essential contribution to history in a dark time, by demonstrating why they should invest in our path to Zero by 2030. We asked – what if your favourite movies, athletes or jokes finished just before the last act, the trophy-winning shot or the punchline? You’d no doubt feel an immense sense of dissatisfaction and frustration, and you’d be right to! We wanted to capture this feeling and use it to our advantage, because nobody likes to see anything go unfinished, especially breast cancer.

To help Australians step up to the Zero goal by 2030 we devised a compelling platform – LET’S FINISH THIS – The Final 9 Percent.

To show Aussies how significant nine percent is when talking about stopping deaths from breast cancer, we lit up nine iconic Australian landmarks in NBCF’s iconic pink colour on 1st October, kicking off our media coverage.

NBCF even partnered with Click Frenzy to launch a Final Nine Percent sale, driving further coverage, conversations and donations.

From a Social perspective, NBCF’s nine-tile Instagram feature put the spotlight on nine people impacted by breast cancer, and why they are committed to reaching Zero Deaths from breast cancer by 2030, including women with breast cancer, researchers, fundraisers and staff.

The Results

543 pieces of coverage with a potential reach of 95,572,284
35% SOV during the busiest time of year for breast cancer organisations
99% of coverage includes two or more key messages
100% achieved brand dominance
41% of coverage included backlinks, driving audiences back to the website to donate
NBCF reached 2.5 million+ people through digital platform