

The Challenge

The City of Sydney Lunar New Year festival is a massive event that takes places over two weeks, with a number of brands and activations involved, we had to ensure AYAM stood out from the crowd.

By using experiential elements and amplifying it through PR, we needed to position AYAM as the perfect ingredient for any Lunar New Year celebration.

Ayam Zodiac Roulette

The Solution

Using AYAM’s existing Zodiac Roulette, a transformed Tuk Tuk, using world-first technology to combine your Chinese and Western zodiac signs, to uncover your destined Asian dish, we created the ultimate experience hub where families and food lovers could revel in the flavours of Asia. The AYAM Hub also included a delicious food truck, where festival-goers could enjoy the authentic taste of AYAM.

Our overall strategy was to leverage the AYAM Hub and their flavour credentials to create reasons for people to engage with the brand through physical experiences and encourage them to cook more with AYAM.

Media amplification included an announcement outlining how consumers make the most of the food and entertainment in the AYAM Hub and participate for a novel Lunar New Year experience, delicious recipe inspiration and consumer promotions.

The Results

90 pieces of traditional coverage
22.4 million cumulative reach
Total of 3,655 people who interacted with the AYAM Zodiac Roulette
613 total number of serves at the AYAM Food Truck



Consumer marketing

Media relations

Stakeholder management

Social media



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The Challenge

Launch Qatar Airways’ new route from Doha to Sydney, promoting the airline’s premium in-flight service and extensive routes to Europe from Doha, to distinguish it from key competitors.


The Solution

Working closely with Qatar Airways’ events team, Red Agency undertook a three-pronged approach to the Sydney launch:

  • A branded Qatar Airways coffee giveaway hosted in the Sydney CBD, with an Instagram competition offering the chance to win flights.
  • A media relations campaign to greet the first flight at Kingsford Smith Airport, hear from key Qatar Airways executives and have a one-on-one interview with Qatar Airways Group CEO, His Excellency Akbar Al Baker.
  • An exclusive gala dinner event attended by 350+ of Sydney’s key political and business decision makers, travel industry, key stakeholders, celebrities and influencers.

The Results

151 media clips
98M reach
119 minutes of TV and radio
47 social media posts by paid celebrities
11M people reached by celebrity social posts
2.1M people reached by unpaid celebrity social posts


Aviation, travel and tourism
Consumer marketing
Event management
Celebrity engagement
Media relations
Influencer relations
Stakeholder management

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The Challenge

Vivid Sydney, the world’s largest festival of light, music and ideas, is a major driver of visitors to Sydney, Australia, during winter, and adds millions of dollars to the New South Wales economy. It is owned, managed and produced by Destination NSW, the State Government’s tourism authority.

In 2016 Vivid Sydney ran for an extra five nights (23 in total) and included more light precincts and music and ideas events. Despite the size of the festival, a limited advertising budget existed. PR needed to encourage more visitors to see and experience Vivid Sydney for more nights.

The Solution

Our overall strategy was to become a content hub for Vivid Sydney with bespoke multimedia content created in partnership with media outlets, targeted by audience passion point, using new technologies such as drone footage and 360o video to offer new perspectives. This helped to overcome issues with diminishing media resources, prevent media fatigue by offering new glimpses into the festival and behind-the-scenes stories, and create shareable content for local and international media to ensure fast, frequent coverage.

A comprehensive campaign including launch events, newspaper lift-outs, live broadcasts and interviews ensured mass media coverage from program announcement to lights off and success marketing.

The Results

More than 2.31 million visitors, up 35%!
Visitor spend up 75% to $110M
88,300 travel packages sold, up 104%
15,880 media clips generated, reaching 15B + eyes, up 287%
2000 + broadcast segments, 62 hours of TV time
Visitor spend up 75% to $110M


Travel and tourism
Consumer marketing
Stakeholder management
Government relations
Content marketing
Media relations
Influencer relations

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The Challenge

Australia leads the world in macadamia production yet only half of Australians know the nut is native, even less know the main production areas and fewer still the growing cycle. This lack of knowledge and appreciation was hampering growth in consumption and the use of macadamias in Australian food products.

For the past six years Red Agency has been responsible for executing integrated PR campaigns to lift the profile of macadamias nationally, fuel demand and entice consumers to munch on the world’s finest nut.

The Solution

Our over-arching strategy was to trigger a range of advocates – from growers, processors and chefs to proud Aussies, food commentators and nutritionists – to tell wonderful stories of our native nut, showing the love and care that goes into producing them and new ways to use them to encourage Australians to give macadamias a try.

We created an army of social media influencers, drove an emotional connection by focusing on key growing cycle events, took media and influencers to Macadamias Country, placed recipes around key Australian events and holidays, and drove features heroing our passionate growers.

We cooked up a storm with high profile chefs, and celebrated 40 years of commercial production at an exquisite luncheon at Sydney Opera House Point with other Australian icons such as Marcia Hines, Kylie Kwong and Adriano Zumbo. And to underpin our nut’s home-grown status, we adopted Australia Zoo’s first baby koala of the season, naming him ‘Macadamia’.

The Results

3,200+ positive media clips over six years – news, food, nutrition, lifestyle, business, regional/rural, celebrity, environment and human interest
300M+ audience reach
105 television segments featuring all networks – breakfast, morning, news and lifestyle formats
50+ multi-page print features across magazines and newspapers


Food and nutrition
Consumer marketing
Stakeholder management
Influencer relations
Media relations
Event management

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Humanising The Bottom 100

The Challenge

International not-for-profit, The Fund for Peace (FFP), required a creative solution to raise awareness of the global refugee crisis and unrest that is dramatically increasing the number of people living in extreme poverty around the world. It was crucial that our campaign personalised the issue of global poverty to generate greater recognition and support for the FFP’s work from the public, government and private sector.

The Solution

We created The Bottom 100, a look at life at the other end of global top 100 ‘rich lists’, hosted at Over two years we interviewed 100 of the world’s poorest people across 12 countries, five continents, covering 23 different nationalities and tens of ethnicities and languages.

We launched The Bottom 100 on World Refugee Day and transformed an unused space in Sydney’s Surry Hills into a real-life gallery where media, influencers, stakeholders and the public could see the faces and read the stories of those featured.

Through PR, social media, FFP channels and negotiated free advertising space, we celebrated as many of these individuals as we could. To do this, we selected hero stories for each channel and media outlet, allowing us to offer unique pitches.

The Results

110+ clips in first week across Tier 1 Australian media – 19M reach
Covered by global flagship media titles – 70M+ reach
Used global network to secure pro bono content film ad placement
Donated ad placements valued at $7.5M with a 7.3M reach
Significant traffic to Bottom 100 social channels
22,000 visits to website in first two days, 10% shared stories on social
Noticeable uptick in fundraising
Door-opener and ownable platform for the future


Integrated campaigns
Content creation and marketing
Stakeholder management
Social media
Media relations
Influencer relations
Event management

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Creating Malaysia Fest 2016

The Challenge

Red Agency was given the daunting task by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) of conceiving, planning and executing the staging and promotion of Malaysia Fest 2016, a two-day celebration of all things Malaysia to take place on 4-5 December 2016. We needed to get at least 25 booth-holders and 15,000 visitors, despite having a restricted budget, no venue and just five weeks during the pre-Christmas rush to pull it off.


The Solution

We secured Pyrmont Bay Park, mapped out a multi-layered, sensory experience to promote Malaysia as a perfect holiday destination, Malaysian cuisine, the fashion and lifestyle scene, and the country’s unique culture, and activated our contacts as well as MATRADE’s own database to quickly fill the booths.

At the centre of the action was a bright, branded stage, the focal point for an ongoing entertainment program including cultural displays, music, dancing, cooking demonstrations and destination films, curated by Red. We staged an opening ceremony and hosted Honourable Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry on a walk-around.

A website was created as the promotional hub, while Facebook and paid digital advertising campaigns, earned media outreach and flyer distribution drove awareness, buzz and key message penetration.

The Results

Despite the enormous timing, cultural and budget challenges, the event was a huge success and delivered beyond the KPIs set.

18,300 Malaysia-lovers attended – 3,300 over target
35 booth-holders secured – 10 over target, with takings ~$100K
60+ positive stories including major metro newspaper pieces
Facebook event attracted 6,300 interested in attending, 1,200 definitely attending and 2,200 shares
Digital event ads drew 5,535 responses – $2.92 per response
Engagement ads drew 419 responses – 64c per response


Trade development
Travel and tourism
Food and hospitality
Consumer marketing
Integrated campaigns
Experiential events
Event management
Social media
Digital advertising
Stakeholder management

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Western Sydney Uni UNLIMITED

The Challenge

Our brief was to relaunch the University of Western Sydney (UWS) as Western Sydney University, embrace the cultural diversity of its home, help build pride in Western Sydney and change how people think of it. A disruptive strategy was required to reshape views of the area and the University’s role in it, and make the University a more attractive place for students.

Sudanese refugee lawyer Deng Adut

The Solution

Our strategy was to seed the rationale for change through earned and social media, drive interest in the University’s Open Day to unveil the rebrand, and hero alumni stories embodying diversity and the new brand via content and earned media.

We ran a teaser social media influencer engagement program coined #NewWS to champion viewing Western Sydney through a new lens leveraging high profile people from, or connected with, Western Sydney and the University, placed University stories in mainstream media and officially unveiled the new brand at a media launch.

To launch the new brand with a bang and immerse prospective students and community members into the new look and feel university, we created an ultra-modern Open Day experience.

We then gave media access to the storytellers of the rebrand campaign, closely working with one graduate, Sudanese refugee lawyer Deng Adut who was taken from his family at five and turned into a child soldier. We ensured the detail of his education was told through earned media.

The Results

1000+ earned media items (July-September) including every major broadcaster
The Deng content trended at the top of Facebook and Reddit for 48hours
Deng’s film attracted 2M+ views across Facebook and YouTube (over 200k views before any paid support!)
50%+ growth of University social profiles
128% uplift in Open Day attendance
7% increase in school leavers putting WSU first preference

ABC’s Gruen called the campaign their ‘best of the year’ and commentators around the world have celebrated the work as a new benchmark for higher education marketing. The campaign was so successful and the story so compelling, Deng was asked by the New South Wales Premier to give the prestigious keynote address at Australia Day in 2016 and he has also signed a book deal.


Consumer marketing
Stakeholder management
Social media
Influencer relations
Media relations
Event management
Experiential events
Integrated campaigns

Deng Adut is the co-founder of leading Sydney criminal law firm AC Law Group. More on his incredible life story can be seen on Deng’s personal website.

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Rebuilding Trust in Malaysia Airlines

The Challenge

After the 2014 tragedies of MH370 and MH17, we had the massive challenge of rebuilding trust in Malaysia Airlines. The airline couldn’t be seen to be engaging in costly marketing campaigns at the expense of consideration for the victims and their families, and a company restructure meant the impending loss of thousands of jobs.

The Solution

The communications strategy was encapsulated in one word: advocacy. We filled an information void with constant updates, strategic interviews, behind-the-scenes tours and a stream of positive news, and encouraged respected experts, travel trade and Government officials and media outlets to champion the brand. We secured Malaysia-connected celebrities as airline partners – TV cook/presenter, Poh Ling Yeow, and tennis star, Nick Kyrgios, whose mother is proudly Malaysian, and leveraged their involvement through creative, integrated campaigns spanning multiple touch points.

At the same time, issues were managed in a proactive fashion to limit their effect on our positive outreach.

The Results

Passenger numbers 7.8% ahead of what they were immediately prior to MH370’s disappearance
700 positive pieces of TV, print and digital coverage reaching 70M pairs of eyes
800K + video views on YouTube and social
150+ positive social posts by media and ambassadors


Aviation, travel and tourism
Issues and crisis management
Consumer marketing
Trade relations
Stakeholder management
Content creation and marketing
Media relations
Influencer relations
Integrated campaigns

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